Chronic Illness

Over 60% of American adults live with a chronic disease, and 40% live with two or more. Chronic illness is a silent and invisible epidemic that is taking up speed at an alarming rate. As a member of this population myself, I hold immeasurable compassion for this experience and the toll it can take on seemingly every single area of life. If you are struggling with chronic illness, I am sure that you feel alone. I assure you, you are not. Chronic illness lives in the shadows of our society - untouched, undiscussed, and misunderstood - and I would love to bring it into the light with you.

A mindbody orientation is essential in working with chronic illness. Where there is chronic illness, there is work to do to calm & soothe the nervous system to shift from stress & chronic cortisol release, into a state of healing & trust. In this state and only in this state, you will be able to access your most vital self. If and when the timing is right, there is opportunity here as well for spiritual integration and meaning-making. 

I work with people who live with chronic illness who are at any age and any social location. I work best with people who are highly motivated towards growth, integration, and evolution, who want tangible skills and practices to support them, and who are open to metrics of success outside of the illusory binaries of wellness vs. illness or disease vs. remission.

I will be running a Chronic Illness Support Group in the fall of 2024 - read more and sign up to be the first to know when enrollment opens here!

Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the most common issues that you may be facing, that I have much experience working with:

Medical gaslighting

Internalized gaslighting

Medical trauma

General frustration with medical system

Nervous system dysregulation

Feeling unsafe in your body

Lack of trust in your body

Health anxiety

Catastrophic thoughts related to health

Denial/lack of acceptance of diagnosis

Identity crisis

Social isolation

Facing ableism

Internalized ableism

Energy management

Sense of helplessness/hopelessness

Lack of purpose

Fear of death

Existential crisis

“The wound is the place where the light enters you”

— Rumi

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.